Visibility: Unlimited
Wind: Southeast 5-8 kts
Altitudes: More than 4000 msl.
Time Aloft: More than an hour.
Max Lift: 400 fpm.
Temperature: Low 80's, high 70's
Comment: New people on the gliderport, most from
Cal Poly, some from
Tow pilot:
Luciano Worl and
Frank Owen.
Early morning and there's a lot of movement on the assembly line. |
Martin Caskey is one of the earlier pilots who hope that the lift will be there in the afternoon. |
A larger than normal group of Cal Poly students were here to try out soaring with Jennifer and Troy. |
Don Flinn and Carsten Moeller biding time during the glider assembly morning. |
Meanwhile, Sergio Grajeda and Alex Caldwell continue to prepare for Sergio's checkride next Saturday. |
The students gather around while Jennifer Bauman readies one more introductory flight. |
By the end of the day, Jennifer and Troy will have had enough flights to last a few weeks. |
Always the important preflight discussion of what to expect on tow and in free flight. |
The others are mulling over their turn in the cockpit, with feedback from the current passenger. |
Sergio gets a hook up prior to another of a series of flights to prepare him for the checkride. |
Folks from Hollister gather around Morgan Hall's Duo Discus because one or more of them will fly with him. |
Jennifer is ready to fly her first introductory flight of the day, but not the last. |
Anyone lucky enough to fly in the Duo Discus with Morgan will experience a great flight regardless of the lift. |
Getting ready to board the first of the Hollister passengers for Morgan's flight. |
The Duo Discus on tow for the first of many flights out to the West Ridge in search of lift. |
Kirk Hendrickson is ready for his first glider ride, and he enjoyed the experience. |
Morgan Hall in the Duo Discus down low scratching for lift on a weak lift day. |
Julie Butler along with the Hollister folks watching Morgan going over the last minute checklist. |
Jim Bell joined the group to see how nice the Duo is and perhaps get a turn for himself in a week or two. |
Even in the dust following the tow plane, Big Bird looks good on tow. |
The Cal Poly group remained at the launch site in order to get their chance at a ride when each flight finished. |
The Duo on tow with Mario Pauda's 1-26 in the foreground. |
The Duo is off to another flight in search of some lift more than a sled ride. |
Because of the fast turnaround from launch to landing, it seemed like the Duo spent most of the day on tow. |
It's hard not to really appreciate the beauty of the Duo Discus. |
The gliders are gathering at the far end of runway 31R in order to launch into the wind on runway 13L. |
Mario Pauda is about to fly his Schweizer 1-26 for the first time after a purchase many months ago. |
Troy ready for another introductory flight in Big Bird on runway 13L. |
Beth Platz is patiently waiting for her turn to fly in Big Bird. |
A few calisthenics help make the time go faster and flex great back muscles. |
Unfortunately you can see a lot of folks waiting largely due to having only one tow plane and more gliders. |
In spite of a long wait, Beth retained her spirits and good attitude as did all the rest of the folks. |
Julie Butler and friends waiting for the tow plane and the gliders ahead of them. |
Morgan and the young lady (Olivia?) from Hollister ready to launch into a fairly lift-free afternoon. |
Another of those days when we could have used two tow planes all afternoon. |
Beth Hotchkiss viewing the virtual scene goggles that are truly amazing. |
The tow plane waits on runway 13L until the Orange Crush lands on the adjoining runway 31L. |
The Orange Crush is just now departing on tow using runway 13L. |
Adjacent to the clubhouse, both aircraft are already airborne and will clear the fence easily. |
Griff Malloy looks happy to be flying the Schweizer 1-26. |
The DG100 over the fence at the far end, landing before the tow plane begins its launch. |
The mighty Duo Discus overhead on tow for another demo flight. |
The Duo Discus overhead landing on runway 13L. |
The wings flex upward on the Duo Discus due to the weight of gravity and opposing lift force. |
The 1-26 a bit unstable in the prop wash of the tow plane during takeoff. |
Big Bird on short final for runway 13R with the sun low on the horizon. |
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