Visibility: 30+ miles
Wind: Steady from the NW at 3-6 kts.
Altitudes: Mostly release altitudes
Time Aloft: Under one hour
Max Lift: 100-300 fpm.
Temperature: High 70's
Comment: Beautiful Day at Avenal
Tow pilot: Steel-butt Frank Owen
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Enjoy the pictures and captions while I create the next blog. I may come back to add text but after seeing all of these 38 pictures you'll probably get the idea of what happened at Avenal today.
The beautiful 1-26 sits on its trailer waiting to be assembled. |
The wings of Big Bird move ever closer to the fuselage for assembly. |
"Casper" has one of the most beautiful paint jobs we've seen at Avenal for years. |
Carl Engel brought his new Discus B out for the first time. |
Orange Crush waits solemnly, disappointed at the only glider with old paint. |
Carl Engel getting the cobwebs out on a flight with his Instructor. |
As you see on the variometer there was a little bit of lift to be found. |
I know, you can't believe it, but, YES, it really is John Harbick in the pilot seat. |
Carl Engel waiting for the lift to develop further before he flies his Discus. |
All the Cal Poly students (except Matt Stelmas) are around the glider helping Neiman get launched. |
Jenn is testing the tow rope to insure it is attached successfully and safely. |
Looks like Neiman is about ready to launch in the Orange Crush. |
Jesse, Jenn, Fernando, Andrew and Troy all enjoying the soft grass and warm weather. |
Richard Walker's Schweizer 1-35, and Carl Engel's Discus await pilots for a warm launch. |
He's getting used to the glider on the ground because it's his first time flying it. |
Neiman and Jenn standing by in case Carl needs any more help. |
Unfortunately a lot of pre-launch is just waiting around for various elements to be in place. |
Seems like Carl is ready to launch now. |
Beginning the takeoff roll with help on the wings from Jennifer Bauman. |
His takeoff was great with no PIO discernible anywhere in the launch sequence. |
It will be Richard Walker's turn next after waiting for the thermals to develop. |
The Cal Poly students waiting to help out anyone that needs it as they have always done. |
Finally, after a year-long restoration, Big Bird gets its wings attached. |
There's still a lot of work left to complete but at least we are this far along towards flight. |
Richard Walker about to launch with Andrew Palmer running his wing. |
After not a long flight, Richard is on final for runway 31 at Avenal. |
Troy Wollman decides he would like to have an instructor aboard to critique his flight. |
Carl is back and ready to launch again and a lot longer aloft this next time. |
Dennis Lyons heading home in his nice 1947 Piper PA-12 Supercruiser he named, "Jezebel". |
Jennifer Bauman struggling to move the Orange Crush around to point it correctly. |
Mike Paoli has decided to fly the Orange Crush to maintain currency before he launches in his Libelle. |
Jennifer, again, there to help out in launching Mike in the 2-33. |
Jenn is running the wing for Mike in late afternoon. Thermals are weak and scattered. |
Our fine Cal Poly students often gather in groups to share discussions and experiences of flight. |
Neiman Walker, Andrew Palmer, Jesse McClintock, and Sergio Grajeda chat. |
Out of the hangar and ready to tie down for the night. The men who made it happen. Jan Zanutto is not shown. |
Cal Poly students towing Big Bird to its tie-down area for further assembly of mostly interiors stuff. |
Jim Rickey pushing down on the nose to position Big Bird correctly for adding tie-downs. |
Harold Gallagher
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